Tile Grout Cleaning San Antonio TX

Only The Best in Tile Grout Cleaning in San Antonio For Dirty and Discolored Tile

Tile Cleaning San Antonio TXAre you tired of dirty tile, blackened grout lines, and need your floor restored to its original, beautiful luster? Do you find yourself on hands and knees every week trying to keep your floors clean? That is where we come in with our tile cleaning process. Nothing shows off a room more than a beautifully maintained tile room.

Tile cleaning San Antonio removes stains, mildew and discoloration.

We can make your tile and grout look like new again. Tile cleaning is a “no-touch” method – cleaning is accomplished without the need for workers to touch soiled surfaces with their hands – used in professional cleaning in which a pressurized, diluted cleaning solution is applied to soiled or contaminated surfaces. Using the same machine, the area is then rinsed; this is typically followed by vacuum suctioning that removes the applied liquid along with the suspended solids and dissolved contaminants that have been removed from the surface.

A key advantage of this method over traditional approaches is the ability to deep clean grouted areas (e.g., wall, counter and floor tile) preventing buildup of soil and bacteria in grout lines. Application of a cleaning solution followed by pressurized rinsing and vacuuming removes soil more effectively than methods that rely solely on absorbent wiping (e.g., mopping, microfiber and cleaning cloth use). In addition, studies published by ISSA, the largest cleaning association in the world, have found that compared to legacy methods these systems potentially reduce cleaning times by 1/3 or more.

Unlike outdoor pressure washers with application pressures of 1,000 – 5,000 psi, spray-and-vac units are designed for long-term indoor use on grout and other surfaces, and offer variable application pressures ranging from 110 – 500 psi.

Recent studies indicate there is not always a high degree of correlation between how clean a surface looks and the levels of contamination actually present. Spray-and-vac systems, however, have been proven scientifically to effectively remove embedded soils and contaminants as well as biological contaminants that are not visible to the naked eye. Such surfaces are typically referred to as “hygienically cleaned”.

Tile Grout Cleaning San Antonio, TXScientific evidence of this is provided through the use of technologies such as Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence rapid-monitoring systems. These systems indicate the presence of organic matter that may host harmful microorganisms on a variety of surfaces. In addition to detecting contaminants, ATP systems also provide “proof of service” that an area has been effectively and thoroughly cleaned.”

According to scientific studies using ATP technology, tile cleaning systems have been proven to remove more contaminants and disease-causing germs and bacteria on surfaces when compared to conventional mop, bucket, and cloth style cleaning. Scientific tests show that spray-and-vac systems do not spread contaminants from surface to surface, as can happen when using conventional cleaning methods.

Don’t waste your money on expensive tile and grout replacement. We can evaluate your tile flooring and tell you if you need new tile or just a cleaning. 95% of the time, it’s only stains, mildew and grout discoloring that make our customer’s tile look bad.

Our professional tile cleaners San Antonio, use specialized cleaning solutions and powerful suction to remove the dirt and grime from your grout, bringing the natural beauty back to near its original color.

Our process works great on ceramic tile, porcelain, and many other hard surfaces. On really bad tile it may be necessary to scrub the tile first with a rotary machine buffer to break and loosen the dirt. We then can follow up with our RX20 machine, this provides a continuous stream of hot water 200 degrees that loosen the dirt and extracts the film and mildew and allows the tiled areas to be wiped clean after we are done cleaning.

We don’t use harsh chemicals, we only use green chemicals that are safe for man and the environment. After we are done a sealant can be applied on the grout lines for added protection. Proper care of your floor prevents damage, and extends the life and keeps it looking good for years.

Call Us at 210-857-0682 or Schedule Cleaning with Best Carpet Cleaning Experts